The freedom to choose and to deliver, even in the face of resistance


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Uncovering 1DL

Self-awareness and the ability to self-reflect

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Uncovering 2DL

Awareness of impact on others, understanding difference and group dynamics

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Uncovering 3DL

The ability to see the whole picture and the art of thinking systemically

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Uncovering 5DL

The ability and humility to ask for appropriate help and support


5DL Five Dimenions of Leadership

Leadership demands that things get done. 4DL is the Dimension of consistent, repeated delivery.

4DL Leaders:

  • Have the inner courage to see things through
  • Deliver again and again, despite reactions and resistance
  • Have an astonishing ability to hold their ground with authenticity and humility
  • Are free and secure enough to stay with the choices they make, and to keep going
  • Cultivate a strong 1 and 2DL

Build your 4DL today!

Turn to chapter six and deep dive into 4DL. Understand the difference between this powerful Dimension and ‘forcing’, ‘driving’ or digging the heels in through stubbornness. It is very different.

4DL is best developed with the support of a 5DL online coach who will help you access your free will and become able to freely stand in the wind and to bend – but not to break.

Join Our Community

Share. Explore. Grow. These are the three principles at the heart of the 5DL Community.

Join us – let us share our insights with you, and share yours with us. Let’s explore 5DL together as we take it into the world and develop it together. Grow as a person and as a leader, and transform the leadership mindset in your business, team or family.

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